How to use the program
Download the packed file for your operating system from the links above, unpack it anywhere and run the file by clicking on it. Do not rename the file. If the file opened, but the program form did not open, then in the Excel settings, in the Trust Center, in the macro settings section, select “enable all”. Ignore the "not recommended".
This program of mine will definitely not harm you, but viruses have not been written in macros for a hundred years. But, of course, it’s up to you to decide. The only advantages of this program over others is that it easily allows you to learn what you need, and not just what the author of the program gave. And controls the study of spelling words. As for the rest, everything is the same as everyone else’s. Neither better nor worse.
Close the file without saving and run it again.
Now the program form has opened. I am, of course, easily recognizable here. My dad brought these SONY headphones from an expedition to Japan in 1975.
Help in using the program.
If you click on the HELP button, then, if there is an assistant character installed with the office, it will give you a more or less convenient help.
And if it is not installed, then these are the messages:
The program implements the following main modes:
STUDY (foreign words, historical dates, short definitions). Loaded by default.
Contains 3 modes: Obuchalovo\Look, Vybiralovo\ Choose and Napisalovo\ Enter Translation;
ADD \ ADD (Gives you the opportunity to either add words to an existing dictionary (SHEET), or create a new dictionary with your words for subsequent use in STUDY mode). Selected by the ADD\ADD button, located between HINT\Tell Me and RESET\Reset.
OBUCHALOVO \ Look. Do not forget, before selecting this mode with the button, select what to learn (SELECT a dictionary:), how many words to learn (STARTING WITH which one and to which one) and in what language mode (Russian-English or...:) show
You can also choose
checkbox 1 show transliteration of spelling of Russian words
tick 2 to NOT show transcriptions of English words. If the selected dictionary has a transcription (for now it is only in the dictionary\sheet 1500Transkrip),
then the display comes from the third column of this sheet and it is almost readable, but if another dictionary sheet is selected, then the display comes in a rather poor form of automatic decoding of the English word into transcription. It’s not a fact that this is better than no transcription at all, that’s why I added a checkbox to disable it.
Obuchalovo \ Look: At the beginning, select the time for displaying the word with translation (in seconds). Then you look through the previously selected words for reference. And exit the familiarization mode, either by refusing to show it again, or by using the STOP button that appears on the right.
SELECT \Choose: Do not forget, before selecting this mode with the button, to select what to learn (SELECT SHEET:), how many words (STARTING WITH which and to which) and in what language mode (Russian-English or...:) to show!
At the top - ask the word QUESTION:. There are 5 answer options below it. Left-click on the correct answer.
If true, they will ask a new question. If you don't know the answer, you can
use the HINT\Tell Me button (counts as a penalty point) or click at random.
If you don’t like the ratio of correct and incorrect answers, use the ZERO\Reset (score) button."
WRITTEN \ Enter translation. Don’t forget, before selecting this mode, choose what to learn (SELECT a dictionary \ SHEET:), how many words (STARTING WITH which one and to which one) and in what language mode (Russian-English or...:) show
You can also select the checkbox WITHOUT CHECKING if you don’t want every character you enter to be checked immediately, but want to first write and take a closer look at what you’ve written, and then press the OK button (You need to select it at the very beginning of the game!). At the top - ask the word QUESTION and at the right, and just below, a text field appears where the answer is entered from the keyboard, checking the keyboard layout (input language) in advance. If you don’t know which letter a word begins with (or any of the subsequent letters), then press the LETTER \ letter button and it will fit into the form (this does not count as an error).
If you click the word\word button, they will show you how to translate the word and, having remembered it, you will need to enter it again (this counts as an error). When the word is entered completely, press the OK button or enter the keyboard twice. Exit the mode using the STOP button.
Adding dictionaries (or words to the dictionary: “Close the form, select a sheet (or add a new INSERT\ADD SHEET) name it based on the dictionary you are typing I start the name with the numbers of the number of words in the dictionary (Right on the sheet name and select Rename and fill in the cells : A1 –
foreign word - question; B1 – word in your language - answer, C1 – transcription (optional). Once you have filled your dictionary, go to sheet 1, save (FILE\SAVE), close and launch again - use your dictionary. The program perceives the sheet as a sheet with a test for the presence of data in cells A1 and B1.")
Adding words and dictionaries. The ADD \Add button (located between HINT \Tell Me and RESET \Reset) makes it possible to either add words to an existing dictionary (SHEET), or create a new dictionary with your words for subsequent use in STUDY mode). Select Sheet, enter the word in one field, its translation in the second and click RECORD NEXT WORD. We enter a new word, translation and RECORD... etc. After all the words have been filled in, click FINISH SET OF WORDS. Afterwards, close all forms with a cross and save the changes to a file (File\Save).
Restart, use. If there are no more new sheets, you can create them by closing the form with a cross and clicking Insert\Sheet. Then right-click on its name and Rename to the name of your new dictionary")
English dictionaries verbs and nouns copied from the wonderful DIAMOND course. Highly recommend.
Special thanks to Vitaly Sizov for mentoring. for educational materials.
To my household for spiritual comfort.
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2001-2002.
In principle, everything is there to start using.
Other English dictionaries are also copied from the wonderful program vteacher.exe, but they only provide a demo version of their program.
And it’s a cool idea - to teach through a screenserver - a screen saver. website
And also with the "51 golden English formula" of Alexander Dragunkin.
Author, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. 2001-2024